Antioch Acres Rules & Regulations
  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to book and hold a date. The remainder of venue rental and any add on items are due seven days before your event. No booking will be complete until deposit is received.
  • Events are rain or shine, no refunds of any kind will be given due to weather conditions or “ACTS OF GOD”.
  • Antioch Acres works exclusively with Advantage Tent Rental.
  • Guests must depart by 11:00 pm, Lessee has until 12:00 am to remove all decorations and place trash in bins. Please adhere to 12:00 am deadline.
  • Live music, DJ or Playlist are permitted. Music must be played at a reasonable volume throughout event and must conclude by 10:30 pm.
  • Smoking is permitted at fire pit area ONLY.
  • Vehicles must remain on gravel drive (5mph)
  • No glitter, confetti, balloons, or non biodegradable materials please, use only the type that will disintegrate as soon as it gets wet or birdseed.
  • No pyrotechnics may be used.
  • Antioch Acres does not sell or provide alcohol, if your serving alcohol it must be with licensed and insured bartenders (a copy of their license and liquor liability insurance must be provided before event) no persons under the age of 21 shall be served. We reserve the right to ask guests to leave or stop being served alcohol for destructive or disorderly conduct.
  • You may also select caterer of your choice, they must also be licensed (a copy of their license must be provided before event)
  • Lessee shall assume full responsibility for the character, acts, and conduct of all persons attending event including vendors. In the event a violation occurs and not immediately corrected Antioch Acres will terminate the event and no refund will be provided.
  • Should any rules be violated or venue damaged, charges will be billed to Lessee.
  • Children attending event must be supervised all at times, and are not permitted near water.
  • To protect all parties involved Antioch Acres will be inspected before and after each event (including barn if applicable).
  • Lessee shall be liable for all damage to property and agree to “HOLD HARMLESS” Antioch Acres LLC from any claims and suits arising from event. It is strongly recommended that lessee obtain an event insurance policy for the day of your event.
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